Monday, February 21, 2011

Social Media Web 2.0 and Transparency in Social Media Questions

1. I personally don't that professional advertisements will continue to drop. Advertising is still such a large part of the media and there will be always advertising. Though i do think advertisement will continue to decrease i do think professional production will remain a large part of advertising. I fell that "homegrown" advertisements contains many flaws and sometime only appeals to a certain group. Professional are trained specifically to advertise and therefore know how to appeal more to all groups.

2. The social media site that i use the most is now a days is by far Facebook. Facebook i feel is the most convenient and the easiest networking site to use. For a long time i was an avid user of myspace, but as Facebook slowly began to creep up in popularity i realized how much better, more efficient, and more secure facebook is. Facebook has allowed me to keep up with my current college friends as well as reestablish contact with kids i went to grammar school with. Everything from the facebook chat to the news feed make keeping in touch with friends easier then it ever has been. Though myspace does have all of these features now facebook was the first to develop them. Now a days most of my friend don't even check their myspace, if they even have one. I personally only use myspace to check out and keep up with bands as i am a huge fan of music. Facebook is  and i feel will remain the largest network sight for quite sometime.

3. Transparency is a major issue in the media i think. Transparency can lead to misinterpretation of certain issues as well as even fraud. There is so much more of a margin for error. When things such as audits and finacial disclosures are done over the internet i always feel that it can lead to bad things happening such as the stealing of funds and tamporing with information. Transparency also i feel can distort the perception of something and make is sound so much better then it is. Advertising companies will use tactics like this all the time. They will try and hype up their product and often times the product will not be as good as it shows in the advertisement. People are blind to all the faults that come with methods like this.

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